List of Color Management Myths
From ColorWiki
This is a partial list of common misconceptions about color management.
- Myth #1: Color Management is not useful in CMYK-only workflows
- Myth #2: There is some internal Lab/Color reference that the output of printers is compared to when profiling.
- Myth #3: The gamut of RGB is larger than CMYK.
- Myth #4: A profile is for calibration
- Myth #5: 5000K on a monitor is the same as 5000K in a light booth.
- Myth #6: You need to be a color scientist to use color management
- Myth #7: Setup Photoshop with your monitor profile as the working space.
- Myth #8: Use perceptual intent for all Photographic-style images
- Myth #9: The Saturation rendering intent sucks.
- Myth #10: Profile Rot or "A good profile gone bad"
- Myth #11: Printing a profiling target is a good way to evaluate a profile.
- Myth #12: CMYKLcLm printers are 6 color.
- Myth #13: Look at a print closely to see the color better.
- Myth #14: CRT Brightness & Contrast knobs control Brightness and Contrast.
- Myth #15: LCD brightness IS brightness which means it's not the same as a CRT.
- Myth #16: Two 5000K bulbs will match.
- Myth #17: D50 bulbs are available.
- Myth #18: The "Preserve Color Numbers" checkbox in Photoshop's proof setup doesn't matter much.
- Myth #19: You need a RIP for your printer if you want to proof.
- Myth #20: Adobe Gamma is pretty close to what you can get from an instrument calibration.
- Myth #21: There are perceptual rendering intents available when converting from scanner/camera->workspace or workspace->workspace.
- Myth #22: The a, b axis of Lab are red/green and blue/yellow.
- Myth #23: Photoshop's color setting dialog lets you edit an ICC CMYK profile.
- Myth #24: Working space selection in Photoshop affects profile building.
- Myth #25: Device link profiles are limited, hard-coded versions of normal ICC transforms and are therefore redundant, inflexible and are to be avoided.
- Myth #26: Graphing profiles to see their gamut gives pretty much the same results in the different tools that are available.
- Myth #27: Why would anyone ever want to choose a working space that is larger than you can print?
- Myth #28: The PowerBook G4 displays 16.7 million colors (or any display, for that matter).
- Myth #29: The more patches on the printer target, the better the resulting profile.
- Myth #30: If your RIP doesn't allow total ink limiting, just limit each channel.
- Myth #31: When setting up a RIP for proofing, you should match density and dot gain of the inkjet to the press.
- Myth #32: Relative Colorimetric intent means no color shift.
- Myth #33: The new SWOP guide (version 10) contains an effective summary of color management.
- G7 Myths: G7 Myths.
- Myth #35: Wide gamut monitors are the best! Everybody should have one.
- Myth #36: A wide gamut monitor will show me all the colors my printer can print.
- Myth #37: Lab is perceptually uniform
- Myth #38: Delta E 2000 is not a good equation to choose; I've heard that xxx is better.
- Myth #39: Curve3 will make my printer print GRACoL.